A taxi from Minamata Station to Eco Park takes about five minutes and costs under 1000 yen. You can also walk for 20-30 minutes or rent a bike at Shin-Minamata Station.
The Minamata Disease Museum Soshisha is not in the Eco Park, but it's a 10-minute taxi ride (1000-1300 yen) from Minamata Station.

Minamata Disease Municipal Museum
1 of 1 in attractions in Minamata
The Minamata Disease Municipal Museum is a powerful reminder of the environmental disaster caused by methyl mercury contamination. Through bilingual panels, photographs, and an easy-to-understand video presentation, the museum educates visitors about the history and ongoing impact of Minamata Disease. It serves as a solemn reminder to prevent similar environmental pollution in the future, highlighting the importance of awareness and protection.
Hours and Fees
Minamata Disease Municipal Museum
- Opening hours
9:00 to 17:00
- Closed
Mondays (or following day if Monday is a national holiday)
December 29 to January 3
- Entrance fee
Getting there
Minamata Disease Municipal Museum
Official website
Minamata Disease Municipal Museum
Official website
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