Sightseeing trains depart from Torokko Saga Station, next to JR Saga-Arashiyama Station (15 minutes, 240 yen from Kyoto Station), or from Torokko Arashiyama Station, 1 km west.
The terminal station, Torokko Kameoka, is a 5-minute walk from Umahori Station (JR Sagano Line). From there, you can take a train to Arashiyama (7 minutes, 200 yen) or Kyoto (25-30 minutes, 330 yen). Buses also connect to the Hozugawa River Cruises pier (15 minutes, 350 yen).

Sagano Scenic Railway
The Sagano Scenic Railway (嵯峨野観光鉄道, also known as the Sagano Romantic Train or Sagano Torokko), also called the Sagano Romantic Train, offers a scenic 25-minute journey between Arashiyama and Kameoka along the Hozugawa River. The nostalgic trains, with wooden benches, wind through a lush forested ravine, providing beautiful views of the mountains. The train is particularly popular during autumn when the foliage along the route turns vibrant colors.
The route is operated from spring to autumn, with trains not running in winter. Passengers can also enjoy a Hozugawa River Cruise from Kameoka or take a JR train back to Kyoto.
Hours and Fees
- Opening hours
9:00 to 16:00 (until 17:00 on busy days)
- Closed
Most Wednesdays (except during peak seasons)
December 30 to the end of February
- Entrance fee
880 yen (one way)
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