Kamo Shrines
Kamo Shrines
Kamo Shrines
Kamo Shrines
Kamo Shrines

Kamo Shrines

67 of 75 in attractions in Kyoto

The Kamo Shrines, Shimogamo Shrine (下鴨神社, Shimogamo Jinja, "Lower Kamo Shrine") and Kamigamo Shrine (上賀茂神社, Kamigamo Jinja, "Upper Kamo Shrine"), are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and two of Kyoto’s oldest and most important shrines. They predate Kyoto's establishment as Japan's capital in 794 and were patronized by the Imperial Court for centuries, dedicated to the city’s protection and prosperity.

Shimogamo Shrine, located where the Takano and Kamo rivers meet, is surrounded by the ancient Tadasu no Mori forest with 600-year-old trees. Kamigamo Shrine, about 3.5 kilometers upriver, is famous for its sand cones used in purification rituals. Both shrines host the Aoi Matsuri in May and other annual festivals.

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Hours and Fees

Shimogamo Shrine
  • Opening hours
  • 6:00 to 17:00

  • Closed
  • No closing days

  • Entrance fee
  • Free

Kamigamo Shrine
  • Opening hours
  • 5:30 to 17:00

  • Closed
  • No closing days

  • Entrance fee
  • Free

Getting there

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Shimogamo Shrine is a 15-minute walk from Demachi-Yanagi Station on the Keihan Line. You can also take Kyoto City Bus number 4 to Shimogamojinja-mae bus stop (5 minutes, 230 yen).

Kamigamo Shrine is 30 minutes from Demachi-Yanagi Station or Shimogamo Shrine by bus number 4 (230 yen), stopping at Kamigamojinja-mae. Alternatively, walk 15 minutes from Kitayama Station on the Karasuma Subway Line.




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