Mount Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall
Mount Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall
Mount Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall
Mount Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall
Mount Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall

Mount Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall

Mount Unzen, known for its violent eruptions, is famous for the deadly eruption in the late Edo period, which claimed 15,000 lives. The most recent eruption occurred between 1990 and 1995, causing pyroclastic flows and mudslides that buried buildings. The Mount Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall educates visitors about the eruption through interactive displays and a dramatic eruption simulator. Nearby, the Mizunashi Honjin Fukae Michi no Eki park displays buried homes, and the Onokoba Elementary School, destroyed by pyroclastic flow, stands as a somber reminder.

Hours and Fees

Mount Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall
  • Opening hours
  • 9:00 to 18:00 (admission until 17:00)

  • Closed
  • Infrequent, irregular closures for maintenance

  • Entrance fee
  • 1000 yen

Getting there

You can reach the Mount Unzen Disaster Museum and Buried Houses by bus from Shimabara City. Take a bus to Katsusa and get off at Fukko Arena Iriguchi, then walk 5-10 minutes to the museum or Michi no Eki Fukae for the buried houses. The ride from Shimabara Station takes 20 minutes and costs 250 yen, with one bus per hour. The buried houses are also a 15-20 minute walk from the museum. The elementary school requires a rental car or taxi, as no public transport serves it.




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